Does Chastity Cause Penis Shrinkage?

As far as I’ve read, it doesn’t cause any permanent shrink. It can happen if you use it for a long time without unlocking, but everywhere I’ve read they say it comes back to normal after a few days. But I’m not a specialist on that to be 100% sure.

I would recommend consulting a doctor maybe if you are afraid of that. I've been in chastity for around 2 years and I have no issue with anything so far (but I'm not perma locked).

I've also seen some followers saying that they never saw a reducing size of their cock (but some of them said they saw it :D).

If you search for articles you will see the majority say this is not real and your penis will stay normal, but again, I'm not 100% sure of these topics since I'm not a specialist on this :)
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