Day 1 - Here I am ... again

Here I am ... again. Since I discovered chastity I've been on this cycle of locking and unlocking. Being my own key holder has its good and bad parts, but one thing I never stop doing is locking myself back into my cage.

When I stay away from it for too long, it is always a nice feeling putting it back on, looking down, and seeing my cock locked and safe.

It is OK if you do the same. We are humans and we have different moods and feelings from time to time, so don't be too harsh on yourself.
The most important thing is that you go back to it if you love it as I do. I can't remember how many times I started it again to day 1.

But I know, even when I unlock myself, that I will come back. Today I started again. How long will I stay locked this time? I don't know, but I will enjoy myself and the feeling I love when my cage it is in place.

Just enjoy your journey and don't give up on it.
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